National Organization for Women
NOW 28th Amendment ERA Committee
Petition to Certify the Ratification of the ERA
January, 2021

The National Organization for Women, the NOW 28th Amendment – ERA Committee, and signators of this petition call on President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to direct the National Archivist to certify Virginia as the 38th and final state required to ratify the 28th Amendment, the Equal Rights Amendment, which assures every American full constitutional equality under the law.

Envisioned in 1906 by Miss Alice Paul, written in 1923, passed by the US Senate March 22, 1972, ratified by 38 states (Virginia) January 27, 2020.

These petitioners request the President and Vice President to:
Direct the National Archivist to Certify the State of Virginia’s Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment adding the 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution.